%0 Journal Article %T Immunisation schedule of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics: 2024 recommendations. %A Álvarez García FJ %A Iofrío de Arce A %A Álvarez Aldeán J %A Garcés-Sánchez M %A Garrote Llanos E %A Montesdeoca Melián A %A Navarro Gómez M %A Pineda Solas V %A Rivero Calle I %A Ruiz-Contreras J %A Serrano Marchuet P %A %J An Pediatr (Engl Ed) %V 100 %N 1 %D 2024 Jan %M 38220359 暂无%R 10.1016/j.anpede.2023.12.003 %X The AEP Immunization Calendar for 2024, with its immunization recommendations for pregnant women, children and adolescents residing in Spain, marks the 25th edition since the first one was introduced in 1995, being annual since 2003, as a vaccination calendar, and since 2023 as immunization schedule due to the inclusion of a monoclonal antibody for the prevention of RSV disease. Novelties for this year include the following: The rest of the recommendations from the previous calendar remain unchanged.