%0 Journal Article %T Lobectomy and completion thyroidectomy rates increase after the 2015 American Thyroid Association Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Guidelines update. %A Worrall BJ %A Papachristos A %A Aniss A %A Glover A %A Sidhu SB %A Clifton-Bligh RJ %A Learoyd D %A Tsang VHM %A Gild M %A Robinson BG %A Sywak MS %J Endocr Oncol %V 3 %N 1 %D 2023 Jan 1 %M 37434647 暂无%R 10.1530/EO-22-0095 %X UNASSIGNED: The 2015 American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guidelines permit thyroid lobectomy (TL) or total thyroidectomy in the management of low-risk papillary thyroid cancer (PTC). As definitive risk-stratification is only possible post-operatively, some patients may require completion thyroidectomy (CT) after final histopathological analysis.
UNASSIGNED: A retrospective cohort study of patients undergoing surgery for low-risk PTC in a tertiary referral centre was undertaken. Consecutive adult patients treated from January 2013 to March 2021 were divided into two groups (pre- and post-publication of ATA Guidelines on 01/01/2016). Only those eligible for lobectomy under rule 35(B) of the ATA Guidelines were included: Bethesda V/VI cytology, 1-4 cm post-operative size and without pre-operative evidence of extrathyroidal extension or nodal metastases. We examined rates of TL, CT, local recurrence and surgical complications.
UNASSIGNED: There were 1488 primary surgical procedures performed for PTC on consecutive adult patients during the study period, of which 461 were eligible for TL. Mean tumour size (P = 0.20) and mean age (P = 0.78) were similar between time periods. The TL rate increased significantly from 4.5 to 18% in the post-publication period (P < 0.001). The proportion of TL patients requiring CT (43 vs 38%) was similar between groups (P = 1.0). There was no significant change in complications (P = 0.55) or local recurrence rates (P = 0.24).
UNASSIGNED: The introduction of the 2015 ATA Guidelines resulted in a modest but significant increase in the rate of lobectomy for eligible PTC patients. In the post-publication period, 38% of patients who underwent TL ultimately required CT after complete pathological analysis.