%0 Journal Article %T Autism spectrum disorder diagnosis using graph attention network based on spatial-constrained sparse functional brain networks. %A Yang C %A Wang P %A Tan J %A Liu Q %A Li X %J Comput Biol Med %V 139 %N 0 %D Dec 2021 %M 34700253 %F 6.698 %R 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104963 %X The accurate diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a common mental disease in children, has always been an important task in clinical practice. In recent years, the use of graph neural network (GNN) based on functional brain network (FBN) has shown powerful performance for disease diagnosis. The challenge to construct "ideal" FBN from resting-state fMRI data remained. Moreover, it remains unclear whether and to what extent the non-Euclidean structure of different FBNs affect the performance of GNN-based disease classification. In this paper, we proposed a new method named Pearson's correlation-based Spatial Constraints Representation (PSCR) to estimate the FBN structures that were transformed to brain graphs and then fed into a graph attention network (GAT) to diagnose ASD. Extensive experiments on comparing different FBN construction methods and classification frameworks were conducted on the ABIDE I dataset (n = 871). The results demonstrated the superiority of our PSCR method and the influence of different FBNs on the GNN-based classification results. The proposed PSCR and GAT framework achieved promising classification results for ASD (accuracy: 72.40%), which significantly outperformed competing methods. This will help facilitate patient-control separation, and provide a promising solution for future disease diagnosis based on the FBN and GNN framework.