%0 Journal Article %T Guidelines for the use and statistical analysis of the Home Office fingermark grading scheme for comparing fingermark development techniques. %A Hockey D %A Dove A %A Kent T %J Forensic Sci Int %V 318 %N 0 %D Jan 2021 %M 33278696 %F 2.676 %R 10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110604 %X This paper provides guidance on how to properly analyse data generated from the Home Office fingermark grading scheme. The core of the issue is that it creates ordinal data and should therefore not be analysed using averages. To reduce confusion, it is recommended to label the different degrees of fingermark development as classes rather than numerical scores. Appropriate statistical tests are provided to properly analyse Home Office fingermark grading scheme data, however, not using statistical tests is perfectly acceptable so long as conclusions are worded appropriately and do not exaggerate the significance of the findings. Some guidance is provided on estimating sample size and optimal methods for presenting results.