%0 Journal Article %T [Precision control is essential to achieve the goal of schistosomiasis elimination in China. Summary of the Second Forum on Schistosomiasis Control in China]. %A %J Zhongguo Xue Xi Chong Bing Fang Zhi Za Zhi %V 29 %N 5 %D Oct 2017 15 %M 29469342 暂无%R 10.16250/j.32.1374.2017190 %X The Second Forum on Schistosomiasis Control in China was successfully held in Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases during the period between 21th and 23th, September, 2017. Based on the topic "Implementation of precision control to accelerate the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination", the forum discussed three macro problems pertaining to how to improve the theory and policy of precision control during the progress towards schistosomiasis elimination in China, and six technical problems regarding how to achieve more precise management of the residual sources of infections and more precise monitoring of transmission risk. Finally, a consensus was achieved that precision control is essential to achieve the goal of schistosomiasis elimination in China.
[摘要] 第二届中国血吸虫病防治论坛, 于2017年9月21-23日在江苏省血吸虫病防治研究所成功举行。论坛以“实施 精准防控, 加快消除进程”为主题, 围绕当前我国在血吸虫病消除进程中面临的如何进一步完善血吸虫病精准防控理论 和政策等三大宏观问题、如何实现针对残存传染源控制和传播风险监测的更精准化等六个技术难题展开了研讨, 达成了 “实施精准防控是实现我国消除血吸虫病目标的必由路径”的共识。.