%0 Journal Article %T Positions of Q(A)and Chl(Z)Relative to Tyrosine Y(Z)and Y(D)in Photosystem II Studied by Pulsed EPR. %A Kawamori A %A Katsuta N %A Mino H %A Ishii A %A Minagawa J %A Ono TA %J J Biol Phys %V 28 %N 3 %D Sep 2002 %M 23345785 %F 1.56 %R 10.1023/A:1020312621949 %X PELDOR (Pulsed Electron eLectron DOuble Resonance) was applied to determinethe distance of between Y(Z)and Q(A) (-)inY(D)-less mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiin Tris-treatedand Zn-substituted preparation of photosystem II. The value of distance wasfound to be 34.5 ± 1 Â. A '2+1' electron spin echo method has beenapplied to measure the orientation of the radius-vector RfomY(D)to Chl(Z)in a membrane-oriented photosystem II. The anglebetween Rand the membrane normal nwas determined to be 50 ±5(°), using the distance 29.4 ± 0.5 Â determined in non-orientedPS II.