关键词: Adverse events Biological therapies Central nervous system Lyme neuroborreliosis Multidisciplinary approach Rheumatic diseases

来  源:   DOI:10.1007/s00296-024-05679-1

As the role of neurologists in managing patients with rheumatic diseases expands, collaboration between rheumatologists and neurologists becomes increasingly vital. This literature review provides an overview of the central nervous system (CNS) manifestations of major autoimmune rheumatic disorders, which may include parenchymal brain and meningeal disease (stroke, meningoencephalitis, meningitis), myelopathies, psychosis, chorea, seizure disorders, and various forms of cephalea. Novel findings linking specific autoimmune markers to CNS damage reveal a direct, previously underestimated link between systemic inflammation and neural injury. Besides, with the increasing use of biological therapies, it is crucial to recognize when neurological manifestations are related to adverse events of therapy, as this may significantly influence treatment decisions. Neurologists play a key role in this assessment, working closely with rheumatologists. Overall, addressing CNS involvement in rheumatic diseases is important for improving patient outcomes and advancing medical knowledge in this complex field. A thorough understanding of the neurologic aspects of rheumatic diseases is essential for optimal patient care, necessitating a multidisciplinary approach to management.