关键词: abortion embryo rescue case informed consent

来  源:   DOI:10.1111/bioe.13328

Hendricks\' pregnancy rescue case (PRC) tries to show that abortion is typically morally wrong. I argue here that there are at least two morally relevant differences between the abortion in PRC and the typical abortion so that the latter isn\'t morally wrong even if the former is morally wrong. I develop five modifications to PRC to show that these two differences are morally important. First, in PRC we don\'t know whether the person gives informed consent to the abortion, nor does the medical professional who will perform the abortion, and so the abortion can\'t be performed because the patient gives informed consent to it. Second, not preventing the death of the fetus in PRC brings about the death of an additional fetus gestating in a separate pregnant person, whereas most abortions don\'t entail the termination of another\'s pregnancy.