关键词: antibiotics debridement meleney’s gangrene necrotizing fasciitis polymicrobial organisms

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.63849   PDF(Pubmed)

A rare rapidly-spreading necrotizing infection of the skin and soft tissues, Meleney\'s synergistic gangrene is characterized by a synergistic infection with both staphylococci and microaerophilic streptococci. This report presents a case of Meleney\'s synergistic gangrene in a young female patient with no comorbidities and no surgical history who was initially misdiagnosed as a case of perineal abscess and later after the culture report and course of the spread of infection, it was diagnosed as a case of Meleney\'s synergistic gangrene. The patient underwent serial debridements with a combination of broad-spectrum antibiotic cover followed by secondary closure of the wound and the patient was followed up after three months post-discharge and showed full recovery with no recurrence of infection.