关键词: Anorexia nervosa Cholesterol Eating disorders Estradiol Lipids Sex hormones Testosterone

来  源:   DOI:10.1186/s40337-024-01055-3   PDF(Pubmed)

BACKGROUND: Plasma lipid concentrations in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) seem to be altered.
METHODS: We conducted a naturalistic study with 75 adult female patients with AN and 26 healthy female controls (HC). We measured plasma lipid profile, sex hormones and used self-report questionnaires at admission and discharge.
RESULTS: Total cholesterol (median (IQR): 4.9 (1.2)) and triglycerides (TG) (1.2 (0.8)) were elevated in AN at admission (BMI 15.3 (3.4)) compared with HC (4.3 (0.7), p = 0.003 and 0.9 (0.3), p = 0.006) and remained elevated at discharge (BMI 18.9 (2.9)) after weight restoration treatment. Estradiol (0.05 (0.1)) and testosterone (0.5 (0.7)) were lower in AN compared with HC (0.3 (0.3), p =  < 0.001 and 0.8 (0.5), p = 0.03) and remained low at discharge. There was no change in eating disorder symptoms. Depression symptoms decreased (33 (17) to 30.5 (19), (p = 0.007)). Regression analyses showed that illness duration was a predictor of TG, age was a predictor of total cholesterol and LDL, while educational attainment predicted LDL and TG.
CONCLUSIONS: Lipid concentrations remained elevated following weight restoration treatment, suggesting an underlying, premorbid dysregulation in the lipid metabolism in AN that persists following weight restoration. Elevated lipid concentrations may be present prior to illness onset in AN.
METHODS: III: Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case-control analytic studies.
Fat is essential for the human body. Too much fat in the blood can be a sign of underlying illness including heart disease. This study investigated how plasma lipids (fats) are affected in individuals with anorexia nervosa (AN). We included 75 adult female individuals with AN and 26 healthy female controls, and measured lipids, sex hormones, and used questionnaires upon admission and discharge from treatment. We found that low-weight individuals with AN had higher lipids than the healthy controls, and these lipids remained elevated after weight restoration treatment. Additionally, individuals with AN had lower levels of sex hormones (estradiol and testosterone) at their low weight, and they stayed low even after weight restoration treatment. Eating disorder symptoms remained unchanged, but depression symptoms decreased during treatment. In conclusion, the study suggests that individuals with AN have changes in their lipid metabolism, which persists even after weight restoration treatment. We don’t know the reason behind these elevated lipids, and therefore, this should be investigated further in future study.