关键词: THINC integrated tool cognitive impairment guanfacine long COVID near‐infrared spectroscopy

来  源:   DOI:10.1002/npr2.12466

BACKGROUND: Persistent cognitive impairment is a serious consequence of the post-COVID condition. However, there have been no established effective treatments for this pathophysiology supported by sufficient evidence.
METHODS: A 32-year-old woman became aware of difficulty in word recalling, reading, and writing as well as difficulty in completing various household multitasks 3 weeks after the COVID-19 infection. Although blood tests, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography, and Kohs block design test were all within normal limits, completion time by trail making test (TMT) A or B was markedly delayed. Finally, she was referred to our hospital 3 months after the infection. At baseline, the THINC integrated tool (THINC-it), a digital battery consisting of the five-item version of the perceived deficit questionnaire (PDQ-5), choice reaction time (CRT), 1-back test, digit symbol substitution test (DSST), and TMT-B, revealed poor capability in attention, working memory, and executive function. Also, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) demonstrated no activation in frontal or temporal regions during verbal fluency task. Extended-release guanfacine (GXR) 2 mg/day was initiated and a month later was elevated up to 4 mg/day as a maintenance dose. The PDQ-5, CRT, 1-back test, DSST, and TMT-B were dramatically improved 1 month after GXR treatment. NIRS finding was also normalized after 2 months of treatment. These effects were successfully maintained throughout the 6-month follow-up period.
CONCLUSIONS: GXR may be helpful in improving subjective/objective cognitive functioning and frontotemporal brain activity in long-COVID patients manifesting apparent cognitive impairment.