关键词: Children with autism Joint attention deficit Scene intervention Virtual reality

Mesh : Humans Virtual Reality Autistic Disorder / therapy Child Attention

来  源:   DOI:10.7507/1001-5515.202305029   PDF(Pubmed)

Joint attention deficit is one of the core disorders in children with autism, which seriously affects the development of multiple basic skills such as language and communication. Virtual reality scene intervention has great potential in improving joint attention skills in children with autism due to its good interactivity and immersion. This article reviewed the application of virtual reality based social and nonsocial scenarios in training joint attention skills for children with autism in recent years, summarized the problems and challenges of this intervention method, and proposed a new joint paradigm for social scenario assessment and nonsocial scenario training. Finally, it looked forward to the future development and application prospects of virtual reality technology in joint attention skill training for children with autism.