关键词: alcoholic liver cirrhosis cat scratch immunocompromised infection mortality sepsis

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.60609   PDF(Pubmed)

Cat-scratch disease (CSD), a human infection resulting from Bartonella species, commonly manifests as tender lymphadenopathy. Consequently, its inclusion in the differential diagnosis of fevers of unknown origin and lymphadenopathy syndromes is imperative. Typically, it manifests as self-limiting tender lymphadenopathy and does not lead to fatalities, though it may assume a more severe course in immunocompromised individuals. Diagnostic challenges often surround CSD due to its elusive nature in laboratory tests, necessitating a reliance on the clinical presentation for definitive diagnosis. This can manifest in delayed procedures and testing, which can prolong intervention and cause rapid progress of bacteria, potentially causing severe complications and death. In this case report of a 58-year-old Caucasian male, we delve into the clinical presentation and eventual fatality of CSD in a patient with liver cirrhosis, occurring in the United States. He sought care in the emergency department due to lethargy, fever, and swollen axilla following a cat scratch. Although the patient did not exhibit signs of sepsis upon admission, he rapidly progressed to sepsis and passed away within 24 hours. This case highlights the significance of timely and proactive management in individuals presenting with CSD, especially when complicated by underlying immunocompromised conditions. Early recognition, the administration of suitable antibiotics, and comprehensive supportive care are pivotal in averting fatal outcomes in such cases.