关键词: HSV-2 UL22 UL36 genital herpes genital shedding rate genome genome-wide association study linkage disequilibrium variant

来  源:   DOI:10.1093/infdis/jiae283

BACKGROUND: The clinical severity of genital HSV-2 infection varies widely among infected persons with some experiencing frequent genital lesions while others are asymptomatic. The viral genital shedding rate is closely associated with and has been established as a surrogate marker of clinical severity.
METHODS: To assess the relationship between viral genetics and shedding, we assembled a set of 145 persons who had the severity of their genital herpes quantified through determination of their HSV genital shedding rate. An HSV-2 sample from each person was sequenced and biallelic variants among these genomes were identified.
RESULTS: We found no association between metrics of genome-wide variation in HSV-2 and shedding rate. A viral genome-wide association study (vGWAS) identified the minor alleles of three individual unlinked variants as significantly associated with higher shedding rate (p<8.4x10-5): C44973T (A512T), a non-synonymous variant in UL22 (glycoprotein H); A74534G, a synonymous variant in UL36 (large tegument protein); and T119283C, an intergenic variant. We also found an association between the total number of minor alleles for the significant variants and shedding rate (p=6.6x10-7).
CONCLUSIONS: These results add to a growing body of literature for HSV suggesting a connection between viral genetic variation and clinically important phenotypes of infection.