Mesh : History, 19th Century New York City Journalism / history Sanitary Engineering / history Humans Newspapers as Topic / history Public Health / history

来  源:   DOI:10.1353/tech.2024.a920522

When the Brooklyn Waterworks opened in 1859, it was one of America\'s most advanced water and sewer systems. Yet after Brooklyn was annexed by New York City, the waterworks\' history slipped into obscurity, despite having a now-famous champion: the \"poet of America,\" Walt Whitman, whose brother worked on the project. This article shows the Brooklyn poet\'s fierce, multiyear lobbying effort for the waterworks in various newspapers and introduces a wealth of newly recovered Whitman writings on the issue. As a journalist, Whitman exemplifies the nineteenth-century press as an intermediary between expert engineers and popular readers. The poet brought precise expertise, translated engineers\' technical arguments into everyday language for his readers, and fought the resulting day-to-day political battles over construction in print. Whitman, then, is an underappreciated case study of the confluence of technology, public health, and local journalism.