关键词: biliary cystadenoma biliary tumors liver cyst liver surgery liver tumor surgery in pregnancy

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.56752   PDF(Pubmed)

Biliary cystadenomas (BCAs), rare cystic tumors occurring in the biliary system, account for fewer than 5% of cystic lesions in the liver. This case details successful resection in a 29-year-old pregnant woman at seven weeks gestation. Urgent left hemihepatectomy and cholecystectomy removed a mucinous hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Postoperatively, a healthy newborn was delivered by cesarean section. Five-year follow-up showed no recurrence. BCAs present diagnostic challenges due to nonspecific symptoms, and surgical intervention, preferably complete resection, is recommended for potential malignancy, after weighing benefits against complications in critical hepatic vessel lesions.