Mesh : Catalysis DNA Polymerase beta DNA Replication Magnesium Molecular Dynamics Simulation Biocatalysis

来  源:   DOI:10.1063/5.0200109

In our recent publication, we have proposed a revised base excision repair pathway in which DNA polymerase β (Polβ) catalyzes Schiff base formation prior to the gap-filling DNA synthesis followed by β-elimination. In addition, the polymerase activity of Polβ employs the \"three-metal ion mechanism\" instead of the long-standing \"two-metal ion mechanism\" to catalyze phosphodiester bond formation based on the fact derived from time-resolved x-ray crystallography that a third Mg2+ was captured in the polymerase active site after the chemical reaction was initiated. In this study, we develop the models of the uncross-linked and cross-linked Polβ complexes and investigate the \"three-metal ion mechanism\" vs the \"two-metal ion mechanism\" by using the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics molecular dynamics simulations. Our results suggest that the presence of the third Mg2+ ion stabilizes the reaction-state structures, strengthens correct nucleotide binding, and accelerates phosphodiester bond formation. The improved understanding of Polβ\'s catalytic mechanism provides valuable insights into DNA replication and damage repair.