关键词: Assistive technology centers obstacles special needs teachers therapists

来  源:   DOI:10.1080/17483107.2024.2323698

Assistive technology (AT) represents one way to improve access and participation in the school and home environments of people with disabilities (PWDs). This study analyzed the obstacles to AT acquisition, knowledge, use, recommendation, and training in special needs centers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the perspective of professionals (teachers and therapists). A questionnaire was developed and its validity and reliability were confirmed. The questionnaire was distributed to all special-needs centers in the UAE via Survey Monkey, and 78 responses were received. The results indicate the nature of obstacles to AT use in special education centers in the UAE, with obstacles related to parents having the highest mean. The results also indicated a statistically significant difference in professionals\' perception of obstacles to using AT based on experience level, center location, and level of education. Implications for further research and recommendations for policy and practice are provided.
Use of assistive technology (AT) enhances accessibility for students with disabilities. Therefore, it is imperative for centers and schools to actively seek access to AT tools and services to meet the needs of students with disabilities.Educational institutions must establish clear AT policies and legislation to provide AT tools for students with disabilities and address barriers to their implementation.Qualitative studies should be conducted to better understand the obstacles perceived by students with disabilities, teachers, principals, other staff, and parents as well as to gather recommendations for improvement.