关键词: congestive heart faiulre flail tricuspid valve patent foramen ovale patent foramen ovale (pfo) right-sided heart failure right-to-left shunt tricuspid regurgitation

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.41955   PDF(Pubmed)

Etiologies of tricuspid regurgitation are often explored in patients with symptoms of right-sided heart failure. Blunt chest trauma is the major cause of traumatic tricuspid valve regurgitation (TTVR), a secondary type of tricuspid regurgitation. It is a rare condition; however, it may lead to severe consequences if not treated in a timely manner. TTVR should be considered in a patient presenting with chest trauma. In this case, we report a case of a young male who presented after a motor vehicle accident with secondary tricuspid valve regurgitation due to blunt chest trauma as well as a patent foramen ovale.