关键词: dental implants fixed partial dentures implant rehabilitation prosthodontics questionnaire survey

来  源:   DOI:10.7759/cureus.33383   PDF(Pubmed)

Background  Maintaining one\'s sense of self requires having healthy teeth. A person\'s physical well-being is greatly impacted by their dental health. They are intimately related, and the socioeconomic situation of the individual largely determines how teeth are maintained. As a result, tooth loss causes injury to the stomatognathic system as well as the masticatory function. Morale is negatively impacted by psychological discomfort as well as the reduction in general quality of life brought on by tooth loss. Objectives  The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness of patients about various dental prosthetic rehabilitative procedures in Saudi Arabia, their preference(s) regarding the choice of treatment, and the motivating factors that drive them to avail of dental prosthetic rehabilitative treatment. Methods  After randomly selecting 600 individuals for the purpose of our investigation, a nine-variable questionnaire was framed by investigators to record the responses of those who consented to participate in our study. Results  Only 68.3% of the respondents were found to be aware of the several prosthodontic replacement choices. As mentioned by the majority of the respondents, the cost element was the biggest drawback for replacement. The benefits of choosing fixed partial dentures (FPD) or dental implants were judged to be aesthetics (41.1%) and the feel of one\'s own teeth (40.1%). Conclusion Only 68.3% of respondents reported knowing about the several prosthodontic replacement choices. The cost aspect was cited by 348 respondents as the biggest drawback to replacement. The perceived benefits of choosing FPD or dental implants were deemed to be aesthetics (41.1%) and the feel of one\'s own teeth (40.1%). We believe that patients\' health and quality of life can be improved by raising awareness about and changing patients\' attitudes toward the most cutting-edge treatment options that are readily available. This can be done by educating people about the drawbacks of delaying the replacement of missing teeth and other treatment options.