关键词: horn antenna near-field radar cross-section real environment single-antenna technique horn antenna near-field radar cross-section real environment single-antenna technique

来  源:   DOI:10.3390/s22197453

The single-antenna technique proposed in this paper was developed for measuring the radar cross-section at near-field distances in a real environment, from reflection coefficient measurements on the antenna. The near-field radar cross-section is corrected with an analytical factor calculated as a ratio between the radar cross-section computed at far-field and near-field. The analytical correction factor takes into account the effects of the diffraction at the edges of the target at incidence angles higher than 20°. An improved, distance averaging technique is proposed to reduce the multipath propagation effects. A time-gating procedure is additionally used in order to better isolate the reflection from the target and to remove the real environment contributions. The method was successfully tested on a rectangular metallic plate as a target over a wide frequency band, at normal and oblique incidence angles; however, it might also work for arbitrarily shaped targets, because they can actually be divided into small rectangular patches.