关键词: K-Nearest Neighbor accelerometer sensor artificial intelligence decision tree discriminant analysis flex sensors gesture recognition gyroscope machine learning man-machine interface sensor sign language supervised and unsupervised learning support vector machine K-Nearest Neighbor accelerometer sensor artificial intelligence decision tree discriminant analysis flex sensors gesture recognition gyroscope machine learning man-machine interface sensor sign language supervised and unsupervised learning support vector machine

来  源:   DOI:10.3390/jimaging8040098

Sign language recognition is challenging due to the lack of communication between normal and affected people. Many social and physiological impacts are created due to speaking or hearing disability. A lot of different dimensional techniques have been proposed previously to overcome this gap. A sensor-based smart glove for sign language recognition (SLR) proved helpful to generate data based on various hand movements related to specific signs. A detailed comparative review of all types of available techniques and sensors used for sign language recognition was presented in this article. The focus of this paper was to explore emerging trends and strategies for sign language recognition and to point out deficiencies in existing systems. This paper will act as a guide for other researchers to understand all materials and techniques like flex resistive sensor-based, vision sensor-based, or hybrid system-based technologies used for sign language until now.