关键词: CO2 laser surgery Cirugía láser CO2 Complicaciones cirugía laser Complications Divertículo de Zenker Esfínter esofágico superior Upper oesophageal sphincter Zenker’s diverticulum

来  源:   DOI:10.1016/j.otoeng.2020.11.001

BACKGROUND: Zenker\'s diverticulum is an uncommon pathology of the upper oesophageal sphincter whose most frequent symptoms are the association of dysphagia and regurgitation. It is more frequent in advanced ages, and its treatment of choice is surgery in symptomatic cases.
METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was performed of 27 patients operated in the Otorhinolaryngology service of the Hospital Universitario de Cabueñes between 2007 and 2019 using laser endoscopic surgery.
RESULTS: 27 patients were operated, 70.4% male and 29.6% female, with a mean age of 67 years (range between 30 and 91). The most frequent symptom at diagnosis was dysphagia. No intraoperative complications were observed. One patient (3.7%) presented post-surgical fever, and another patient (3.7%) had a serious complication due to oesophageal perforation secondary to postsurgical emesis. The median hospital stay was 5 days, and the median oral intake was 4 days. Recurrence was observed in 6 patients (22.2%), 4 (14.8%) requiring a second intervention, which was performed using the same technique.
CONCLUSIONS: The surgical treatment of Zenker\'s diverticulum has advanced in recent decades, with endoscopic treatment currently being the choice. Among the surgical options, endoscopic CO2 laser surgery is an effective and safe alternative, although possible complications must be considered. It is also an effective alternative for the treatment of recurrences.