关键词: echocardiography hypertension left atrial dilatation left ventricular hypertrophy left ventricular remodelling

来  源:   DOI:10.1093/ehjci/jeab216

OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences in the prevalence of left ventricular (LV) and left atrial (LA) remodelling in hypertensive patients using various thresholds defined by international guidelines and data from the Echocardiographic Measurements in Normal Chinese Adults (EMINCA) study and different indexation methods.
RESULTS: LV mass (LVM), relative ventricular wall thickness, and LA volume (LAV) were measured using 2D echocardiography in 612 healthy volunteers selected from the EMINCA study population and 306 adult Chinese patients with hypertension who were age- and gender-matched using propensity score-matched analysis. LVM and LAV values were indexed to body surface area (BSA), height2.7, height1.7, and height2 recommended by guidelines or investigators. Using a previously reported method, LV geometry was divided into normal geometry, concentric remodelling, eccentric hypertrophy, and concentric hypertrophy. The prevalence of LV hypertrophy (LVH) and LV geometric patterns in hypertensive patients were compared using different thresholds and indexation methods. Echocardiographic thresholds from guidelines and healthy volunteers exhibited notable differences, particularly for LAV indexed to height2 and for LVM indexed to height1.7, which resulted in a significantly lower prevalence of LA dilatation and LVH in healthy volunteers. The total proportion of abnormal LV geometric patterns was significantly lower with thresholds from healthy volunteers than from guidelines when LVM was indexed to BSA, height1.7, and height2,7.
CONCLUSIONS: Using current echocardiographic thresholds and indexing methods recommended by guidelines may lead to significant misdiagnosis of LA dilatation, and abnormal LV geometry in Chinese patients with hypertension, and thresholds based on ethnic-specific normal echocardiographic reference values and an accurate indexing algorithm are warranted.