关键词: Janus kinase inhibitor disseminated cryptococcosis disseminated tuberculosis primary myelofibrosis ruxolitinib

来  源:   DOI:10.2169/internalmedicine.6436-20

Ruxolitinib, a Janus kinase inhibitor, improves symptoms in patients with myelofibrosis. However, its association with the development of opportunistic infections has been a concern. We herein report a 71-year-old man with primary myelofibrosis who developed disseminated tuberculosis and concurrent disseminated cryptococcosis during ruxolitinib treatment. We also reviewed the literature on disseminated tuberculosis and/or cryptococcosis associated with ruxolitinib treatment. This is the first case of disseminated tuberculosis and concurrent disseminated cryptococcosis during treatment with ruxolitinib. We therefore suggest considering not only disseminated tuberculosis but also cryptococcosis in the differential diagnosis of patients with abnormal pulmonary shadows during ruxolitinib treatment.