关键词: Endovaginal ultrasound Hysterectomy Pouch of Douglas Vaginal robot Visualization

来  源:   DOI:10.1007/s11701-021-01203-w

We aimed to determine whether intraoperative ultrasound is a feasible tool for visualization of the pouch of Douglas (POD) to facilitate a safe vaginal entry for direct robotic vaginal trocar insertion for pelvic floor surgery. Endovaginal ultrasound-guided needle insertion of a trocar into the POD was performed in six fresh frozen female cadavers and a live sheep animal model. Using an endovaginal probe the POD was identified as a fluid-filled space clear of bowel or adhesions, then a Veress needle was also used to confirm POD localization. Access to the POD was achieved using a robotic trocar designed for this purpose. The animal study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Asaf-Harofe hospital. Direct visualization during laparoscopy in cadavers and open cadaveric dissections confirmed safe POD entry and accurate trocar placement. This method was found feasible in the development of a safe vaginal entry in both the animal and cadaveric model, possibly negating the need for laparoscopic umbilical observation.