关键词: common garden experiment herbicide resistance life history trait rice weed

Mesh : Echinochloa Herbicides / pharmacology Humans Life History Traits Oryza Seeds

来  源:   DOI:10.13287/j.1001-9332.202009.005

Long-term herbicide application may facilitate the adaptive evolution of weed populations. With Echinochloa crus-galli var. crus-galli population A from a rice field used for the experiment of effectiveness of herbicide in Nanling County, Anhui Province, we conducted common garden experi-ments with seeds of population A and three control populations collected from normal rice fields. Compared with the three control populations, population A had significantly lower seed production for individual plant, but higher 1000-seed weight. Population A had faster in seedling growth, higher in number of reproductive tillers, shorter life span, lower in height and biomass of individual plant, as well as lower in sensitivity to herbicide penoxsulam. Individuals from population A survived from 2× label dose (60 g·hm-2) of penoxsulam treatment at the three- to four-leaf stage showed significantly reduction in plant height, biomass, and mature seed production (1066 seeds per plant), but no difference in heading period, number of reproductive tillers, number of seeds per raceme and 1000-seed weight. The short lifespan, heavy seeds, dwarf architecture, more reproductive tillers and penoxsulam resistance made E. crus-galli var. crus-galli population A extremely adapting to rice planting systems, which should be prevented to spread to normal rice fields.
长期进行除草剂药效试验可能会导致田间杂草种群发生适应性进化。本研究在安徽南陵县除草剂药效试验专用稻田中采集了1个稗草种群A,并以从常规稻田采集的3个稗草种群为对照,开展同质园栽培试验。结果表明: 与3个对照种群相比,A种群稗草植株的单株种子产量显著减少,种子千粒重显著增加,幼苗生长速率显著加快,结实分蘖数显著增多,生育期显著缩短;A种群稗草成株的株高、生物量及对除草剂五氟磺草胺的敏感性均显著降低。A种群稗草幼苗3~4叶期时经五氟磺草胺推荐剂量2倍量(有效成分60 g·hm-2)处理后,其株高、生物量及成熟种子产量(平均每株1066粒)显著降低,而抽穗期、结实分蘖数、单个总状花序的种子数及种子千粒重无显著差异。因此,种子较重、生活史周期短、植株矮小、结实分蘖多及对除草剂五氟磺草胺具有抗药性,使得A种群稗草对稻作系统具有特异适应性,应防止此类种群扩散至常规稻田。.